Friday, February 1, 2013

To mark the birth of this blog, I chose this particular haiku, among many I've spun, to come out as my maiden post. This is a tribute to someone who believes in me as a budding poet, a special friend who is a slumbering poet herself. Without her help and insistent prodding, haiku lanes would not have come into being. Thank you dear friend for introducing me to the world of haiku.


like diamond like gold
a true friend is a rare find
priceless eternal


  1. hi lin!

    i really love this! and i agree: a true friend indeed is a rare find..

    can't wait to read and enjoy your next haiku posts... keep them flowing!

    1. am pleasantly surprised! thank you so much sal! to be the first to write a comment is a clear sign of your loyalty as a true friend. you are indeed a rare find!

      will be posting one or two today, perhaps even more. hopefully they'll keep flowing.

      thanks again mi amiga!
