Saturday, March 16, 2013

Morning walks for me offer diverse pleasures. It is during these times that all my senses but one are so actively involved. I see, I hear, I smell, and I touch. Although I used to have my walks only around the house, my senses never fail to take pleasure in whatever nature has to offer. The blue sky with snowy white or grayish clouds, the sounds of birds chirping or puppies barking, the fragrance of roses or ilang ilang flowers, the feel of morning dew on leaves or of the wind kissing my face - all these always find their way to my soul. 

A few minutes into my walk this very morning I was treated to a seldom seen view across the sky - a jet plane passing by. It flew so swiftly, as of course it should, leaving a long trail of smoke which seemed so straight for a few seconds. Against a background of a clear blue sky, the white smoke really stood out before my eyes. Wanting to capture the rare scene I hurried inside to get my cellphone. To my dismay, the trail had already started  breaking. Even then I still took a shot and was rewarded by an added joy - a solitary bird perching on a cable. 

straight when i saw it
crooked when i captured it
smoke trail of jet plane 


crooked broken line
stream of white clouds they are not
trail of metal bird


bird chooses a wire
not a tree branch to perch on
no one else notice



  1. have you noticed it? the wires and the smoke from the jet plane seem to have the same pivot point? Well, maybe you could spin the 4th haiku about it... ^_^

    by the way, i particularly love the 3rd one...

    1. the first two are just like riddles. i have to admit they're not really "haikuish" like the third one which you love.

      as for the wires and smoke having the same pivot point, i honestly didn't notice it. the artist in you!

      how about spinning the 4th haiku for me?
