Thursday, June 6, 2013

One reward I get from maintaining this blog, among many others understandably, is the knowledge I gain on whatever topic I search on the net related to my post. Questions I need answers to are easily settled with a mere click or two on my laptop. Thanks to the power of Google search!

Is a bug an insect? I had to be sure and a Google search came to my rescue. Indeed it is! All bugs are insects but not all insects are bugs! If I were to explain it mathematically - the set of bugs is a subset to the set of insects.

Funny but I just recall a lesson in Geometry on plane figures. Is a square a rectangle? Of course it is! All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares!

What a way to end this short essay!

while having my walk
 a lovely bug on a leaf
catches my two eyes


seldom seen insect
flies in and hops on a leaf
i pause from my walk


sun-kissed vine leaf
welcomes multicolored bug
sniffing its flowers


  1. hello, there!

    just so you'd know that i really enjoyed this post. i love the style and the obvious ease evident in the written intro.

    looking forward for more good reads!

    best regards,

  2. Replies
    1. thank you for your kind comments.

      will do my best to provide more good reads for your enjoyment.
