Monday, March 4, 2013

People vary in preferences when considering a bed. Wooden bed, steel bed, bamboo bed, water bed,  air bed, or what not. Some would go for a thick and firm mattress. Others would rather have a  soft version. Yet, there are those who prefer sleeping on a bed without any mattress on it. Still, not a few would settle for a night on the floor with simply a mat laid, with or without a mattress. It really doesn't matter for dreams still come regardless of the kind of bed one sleeps on. What about you? Whatever your preference is, this fact is beyond question. Money can buy a bed but not sleep. And I mean naturally induced sleep!

Yesterday's post was about a domesticated cat. For today, I am presenting another scene - that of a humble cat. His preference for a bed is just so unique that I can't allow it to leave my memory without sharing it in this blog.

cat sleeps undisturbed
in his private cubicle
a coconut husk


so snugly settled
cat sleeps in coconut husk
no cares for the world


no room for one more
cat inside coconut husk
declares silently.


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