Saturday, June 1, 2013

A couple of months ago I decided to transfer two gumamela plants still in their pots. They didn't look healthy in their previous location, partly hidden they were from the sun. Rarely did they produce flowers. And small ones they were, if ever.

They have found a new home, right below our dining room window. How they must have breathed a sigh of relief that very day they were transplanted. With a daily dose of the morning sun, except on a rainy day of course, these gumamela plants have shown how vibrant they can be.

The view this morning was a first time. One plant with five flowers smiling their widest golden smiles! An awesomely beautiful display that made my heart sing!  

a lovely morning
lovelier with golden smiles
hibiscus in bloom


kissed by the sun's rays
flowers respond with sheer joy
smiles so sweet and warm


  1. the yellow sunny hibiscus look cheerful and insistent.. yup! insistent. makes you feel its gladness.

    as your haiku says:
    "flowers respond with sheer joy
    smiles so sweet and warm"
    so would those who look at them.

    thanks for the gladness!

    1. cheerful and insistent. i love your description!

      pleasantly contaminating indeed were their irresistible smiles!

      thanks for your comment!
