Friday, July 5, 2013

ducks on parade

beautiful morning
jogging along a river
with ducks on parade


lovely broken line
swimming family of ducks
accents a river


  1. reminds me of the ducks at malinao lake. how long was it since the last time i was there? years!! well, your post today brought back beautiful memories when i still had time to commune with nature. and you're tight about it: the ducks are a beautiful accent..

    1. malinao lake. no idea where it is but i can imagine the serenity of the place. the name itself is very suggestive.

      why not find time to commune with nature? being too busy is no excuse. nature is always around you. well, perhaps not the kind of scene that stirs your soul. spare time to find it then. it will be stress relieving for sure and so...refeshing!

      thanks for agreeing with me about the ducks.
