Monday, September 23, 2013

Outside our living room, directly below the window, are my dwarf kalachuchi plants. They have been there for more than a decade already. I could not remember a day when their pink flowers were missing. They bloom relentlessly everyday of the year, no matter what the weather. Looking at these funnel-shaped flowers gives me a different level of joy.

This deciduous plant belongs to the genus plumeria.  Temple flower, graveyard flower, desert rose are some of its common names. Locally, however, it goes by the name Bangkok kalachuchi. 

summertime or not
they smile even in darkness
dwarf kalachuchi


fragrance it may lack
but in beauty not outdone
desert rose in bloom


  1. they look pretty indeed. i love pink flowers!

  2. my sister had kalachuchi at the front of her house some years ago but her husband had it cut down. reason? dili maminyo ang mga anak if u have one sa front! ^_^

    good morning my friend..

    1. wow really, that's something new to me. what a superstitious belief! poor kalachuchi. but hey, we had a neighbor whose house was very close to the national road. they had no kalachuchi but the family was one of bachelors and spinsters. that defies the superstition hahaha!
