Friday, September 20, 2013

Unknown to many is a natural wonder located in my beloved town of Candijay, Bohol. Just fifteen minutes away from the town proper is a spring with crystal blue waters so icy cold that one gets goosebumps at the first dip. It is a favorite getaway during summertime. Because of its shape like a big pan or wok, which is cawa in the dialect, this little paradise, hidden beneath the thickets and surrounded by steep walls of earth, got its appropriate name - Canawa Spring.

The underground source seems mysterious. I say mysterious because its depth has never been fathomed despite the many attempts of divers, Filipinos and foreigners alike. Not a few think it must be a blue hole - an underwater sinkhole. If it is so, then it could be deeper than the deepest blue hole in the world recorded by Wikipedia - the Dean's Blue Hole in the Bahamas with a depth of 663 feet. We will never know until a diver can officially claim to have fathomed it. 

Summertime or not, Canawa Spring lies waiting for you. Visit the place, go for a swim, and be mystified!

beneath the thickets
a mystifying atmosphere
blue canawa spring


taking a quick dip
into the blue spring water
shivering coldness


  1. i didn't know that canawa's that deep... until now.. thanks for the info my friend.. and by the way, it's good that you are back to writing prose again... i like that..

    best regards...
    enjoy your day my friend..

    1. the nature lover that you are, i have no doubt canawa spring will interest you. i hope one day you'll get the chance to visit the place.

      just got inspired writing an intro for this post. i take pride in this place so i thought writing it would serve as an advertisement.

      thanks for liking.
