Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Every time a fully grown and mature fruit tree is on its way to bearing fruit, one always sees first thousands of flowers decorate its branches. Hundreds of them are blown by the wind. Still, many of those who have weathered the wind cannot resist the quivering of branches as birds come to perch.

Lucky for those who make it to the first  month. And yet, not all are destined to maturity. Nature takes its course in the guise of the wind and the birds. Perhaps it's a way of countering overpopulation - ensuring that what remains will grow healthy for humans, kids and adults alike, to munch. Rose apples, or tambis in our local dialect, are no exception.

a heap of cute bells
their lives cut short by the birds
can't see them turn pink


cream colored bells lay
mourning for their lives just snatched
by the cruel wind


they failed to make it
helpless baby rose apples 
the broom does its job



  1. well, we'll just take comfort in knowing that others have to let go
    so the rest can go on and complete the circle of life...

    nice touch of shibumi, my friend..

    1. hmm shibumi! you made me search for its meaning. i'm flattered! you sure have words easy at your command, words which are foreign to me.

      thank you my ever loyal fan!
