Saturday, May 18, 2013

In the late eighties to the early nineties Nintendo games were so popular.  With three sons in the family, our family computer then was barely given a chance to take a breath whenever they were around. On weekends they used to invite friends to come to our house to play. Video games gave them such fun!

Very seldom did I get the chance to play on the family computer during daytime. It was only in the silence of the night that I grab my time to take over the thing. I remember staying glued to a game even till the wee hours. Of course, these happened only on weekend nights when there were no pressures from my teaching job. Really so addictive! I can only laugh now at the reminiscence.

It tickles me to think that I am having this flashback. The trigger? The boat-shaped moon! Up in the evening sky it floated, poised like that famous gobbler in one of the highest-grossing video games of all time. The distant stars seemed like scattered pellets. Yes, my mind saw something else – Pacman! 

early evening sky
 smile of quarter moon tickles
happy memories


golden quarter moon
laughing at the distant stars
 pacman comes alive


  1. come to think of it, the quarter moon does look like pacman! ^_^

    so, you had your share of Pacman addiction.. hmmm

  2. pacman with a wide mouth!i wonder if you too spent hours on this particular video game. if never, then i say...not your type!
