Sunday, June 9, 2013

Facebook is indisputably the most popular social networking site today. For many, a day is never complete without it. It shouldn't be shocking at all to know that there are young people who open and close their day reading/posting news feeds and messages on Facebook. 

While others my age may find it so unproductive, for me time spent on Facebook is happy, unwinding time. Through it I am updated of happenings in the lives of people who matter in my life. Links shared offer me insightful reads and moments of joy and laughter. And tears too if the story is so touching.

It is just so amazing how technology has made photo sharing so easy. A shot taken now can be seen by family and friends as close as a few seconds after it's posted on Facebook. No more waiting for the mail to come. Such a joyful relief to loved ones separated by oceans.

The photo shown below was posted by my son just a few hours ago. I so love it that I decided to make it the subject of my post today. How I miss this threesome! 

lazy afternoon
 sweet scene of cuddling threesome
papa with twin sons


lips caught in motion
a pout a frown and a smile
papa with twin sons


  1. what a wacky shot!! hahaha! so wacky it makes you laugh and then some.. i love it! really.

    you're soooooo right about facebook ... there's no arguing about it.

    1. so the wacky shot tickled you too hahaha! who wouldn't be? thanks for loving it!

      and thanks too for agreeing with me about facebook. are you a facebook savvy too?

  2. indeed cute. no matter what.

    1. the cuter if you see them in person!

      thanks my friend for the kind comment.
