Friday, June 21, 2013

Some twelve years ago, or even earlier, I started an orchid garden right here at home. Within a span of three years my collection grew to a good number of different varieties of vanda, dendrobium, phalaenopsis, and cattleya. I was so fascinated with orchids then that I spend hours everyday, more on weekends, giving them my brand of TLC - tender loving care. How I loved to see them blooming in different colors, shapes, and sizes.

Orchids stay healthy and blooming if given the needed care - proper watering and a regular dose of food and fertilizer. Left unattended for long without these, relying only on sporadic showers and rains, they will surely suffer. Sadly, that's precisely what happened to my collection. After being away for ten months on a teaching stint outside the country, I came home finding them much reduced in number and in a desperate state.

It has been a good eight years since I got back. My orchids? Just a few left and flowering spikes are rarely seen. Fascination turned frustration.

eye-catching display
nostalgic mem'ries of yore
my orchid garden


looking at orchids
sad heart aches to remember
my elegant spikes


  1. sorry to hear that..and.i know just how you feel!

    well, it's not that bad at all... why? because you spun beautiful haiku out of that frustration.. so smile!

    1. honestly, i have long gotten over that specific frustration. the feeling just seems to come back every time i see blooming orchids anywhere.

      one day i'll see those elegant spikes again in my garden. dendrobiums for a start.
