Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summertime is when beaches are so crowded with bathers and picnickers. For latecomers, chances are that all huts in a beach resort shall have been taken already.  The exciting option?  Lay down a mat right on the beach under a makeshift shade of tree branches!

On our way back home from our town fiesta, my party of three decided to go to a swimming pool instead. It was still mid morning but the sweltering heat of the summer sun was already on. We had two choices: Roxas Park in Garcia Hernandez and Badiang Spring in Valencia. Since the first one is out of our way home we opted for the latter. What a refreshing option!

As expected, the big swimming pool for adults was not ready yet for swimmers when we arrived. Not ready in the sense that it was only half-full yet. Waiting was no problem for we knew it won’t take long for the pool to be filled to overflowing. With tons of spring water cascading right into the pool, in about thirty minutes  it was almost full.

Swimming in a chlorine-free pool is a real treat. More so if you see where the water comes from and you know that water in the pool is always fresh. This is what Badiang Spring Resort offers - spring water flowing freely in abundance. For a very minimal fee one gets to enjoy a double treat - swimming in the pool and water massage from  the striking waterfalls.

tons of spring water
cascading to the blue pool
bathers watch and wait


spring-water-filled pool
glistens in its cool freshness
time to beat the sun


  1. i really enjoyed reading post.. vicariously enjoying the cool spring water in the pool with it. thanks for sharing!

    looking forward for more good readings.

    best regards.

    1. a vicarious enjoyment is nothing compared to the real experience. surely you must have been to the place before. i just wonder when the last time was.

      the pool and the water massage...both really refreshing!

      glad you enjoyed reading this particular post.
